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How to write your creative personal statement  

Get advice on how to write a successful personal statement for a creative master's degree. 

Personal statements provide an opportunity to stand out from other applicants in what can often be a highly competitive process. ​​​It's your chance to tell us why you want to study on one of our online master’s courses.  So, if you’re applying to Arts University Bournemouth Online, we recommend you use the pointers below to guide the content of your personal statement. 

Why are personal statements important? 

Remember that admissions teams receive hundreds and potentially thousands of applications each year. When it comes to qualifications and experience, it’s likely that you and your fellow postgraduate applicants have a pretty similar story to tell. That’s why, when you’re applying to a creative master’s course, it’s more important than ever to showcase your individual creativity.  

In those few short paragraphs, we can get a much clearer picture of who you are, what you’re interested in, and how you intend your practice to develop throughout your postgraduate studies. We want to see the passion for your art – whether it’s filmmaking, interior décor or redefining landscapes – and understand who and what has inspired and influenced you. 

What do we look for in a personal statement? 

Your understanding of the course you’re applying to  

It’s our hope that by studying one of our part-time master’s degrees, you’ll be able to build on your achievements, critically approach your work and hone your practice. Since our MAs are designed to deepen your understanding of your chosen subject, it’s therefore essential you demonstrate your existing knowledge of that subject to date.

We advise you allow yourself plenty of time to research our course. Your personal statement should be relevant to the course you’re applying for, illustrating not only your interest in and knowledge of the subject, but specifically has attracted you to our course.  

Why you want to study the course/subject 

Your personal statement should outline your reasons for wanting to undertake postgraduate study and why you feel our course is best placed to advance your studies. What is it about this course that interests you? Are there any features of this course that particularly attracted you and why? Tell us about any relevant previous academic study, achievements and projects, especially if any of these prompted you to continue your studies with us.  

Your passion and interest in the subject 

From a creative standpoint, think of your personal statement as a pitch that’s designed to ‘sell’ you. It should give our admissions team an overview of you as a creative, showcasing your personality and practice, your thought process and your ability to complete the course successfully.

Don’t write what you think we want to hear, but instead tell us about your own personal journey and the key events that have led you to the decision to study at postgraduate level with AUB Online. What first caught your interest about the subject? Which artists/designers/architects/filmmakers interest you most and why? What do you hope to achieve through your practice? 

Your experience 

Your personal statement should act as a taster of your creative potential and show a commitment to developing yourself further. When you’re applying to a creative course, it’s important to describe your ‘art’ and creativity. Focus on your strengths and tell us about your previous creative and relevant academic experience, as well as any notable accomplishments.

What academic skills have you developed and wish to develop further? How have you pursued your creative interests within and outside of education? What is your artistic style and how this has evolved over time? 

And finally… 

Don’t worry too much about your experience or lack of it – nobody expects you to have achieved critical acclaim in the arts world just yet. In fact, we recognise that you’re on a journey and we’re specifically looking for students who we can support and help to succeed in their creative goals, whatever they may be.  

Need more advice? 

AUB Online currently offers three 100% online master’s courses: the MA Film Practice; MA Interior Design; and MA Landscape Architecture Studies.

If you’d like advice on applying to any of these courses, including how to prepare your personal statement, you can talk to our Course Adviser team by emailing or calling us on +44 01202 122 883. You can also check out our guide to the application process:Get application process details

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